All members in Training to become a Hike Leader will follow the Training Program.

  1. Members must be with us for a minimum of 3 months before becoming a Leader in Training.
  2. All new Leaders in Training are required to read and be familiar with our Standard Operating Procedures.
  3. Only fully trained KHC Leaders can move forward with mentoring a Leader in Training.
  4. Mentors will email the Board with the new Leader in Training’s name.
  5. Guidelines for Mentor Training will be available.
  6. Leaders in Training will complete up to 4 events as a Co-Leader.
  7. Upon completion as a Co-Leader, a Leader in Training will complete up to 4 events as a Leader with a mentor alongside.
  8. Those members with a strong skill set can be fast tracked upon recommendation from mentor.
  9. Those who are fast tracked will require up to 2 events as a Co-Leader and up to 2 as a Leader in Training with a KHC Leader attending the event.
  10. Exceptional circumstances will be taken into consideration, but must be presented to the Board.
  11. Mentors will make the decision on the training required following consultation with the
    Leader in Training.
  12. The KHC Leader/Mentor for these events can be the initial Mentor or any other fully trained KHC Leader. The sponsoring KHC Leader will take on most of this role.
  13. All KHC Leaders will have other club training available. A Wilderness First Aid Information seminar, Navigating the Outdoors, etc. will be recommended.
  14. Our Hike Leader’s Training Program Spreadsheet will track all of the above. and all fully trained Leaders will have access to this.
  15. Upon completion of our training program, the Mentor who took on the new Leader in Training will then recommend that person to the Board by email for Board approval.
  16. Upon approval, the new Leader in Training will become an official KHC Leader!