KHC supports provincial guidelines for social distancing and will adjust its policy as required.

  • All KHC events for 2022 will conform to provincial social distancing guidelines.
  • Hike Leaders will determine the group size for the event and the number of leaders required.
  • Carpooling will be at the discretion of individual members.
  • Registration system to be determined by the leader (online registration, Requires Leader Registration, dogs or not, etc.
  • While on the trail and at stops, be mindful of fellow hikers’ space.
  • Any member who is not well should not participate in KHC events for the safety of everyone.
  • Masks are recommended in indoor public settings and those who are not yet fully vaccinated.
  • KHC members are expected to abide by KHC’s social distancing policy.  Non-compliance with safety requirements will not be accepted.
  • Completely optional for all members to join in any KHC hike or not.