Website Changes in Progress
We are making some changes to bring the website to a more user-friendly interface with regard to:
- logging in and out
- recovering a lost password
- editing the profile
- redesigning the profile from the WordPress default to a customized page, to meet KHC needs
- providing links from the profile info (ie emergency contacts) to forms accessible to hike leaders
- providing member information to KHC members to facilitate member-to-member contacts
- making all these services available to logged-in users on the front end of the website (no more Dashboard (the backend) or Admin Bar (the black stripe at the top))
This will be facilitated by installing a new (paid) plugin and configuring it.   There will be some additional technical work required to get it all to where we want it.   In theory, there will be no interruptions, but in the short term there may be a delay in editing profiles.   We anticipate logging in, booking for events and cancelling will all remain in working order.
Later, we hope to also move the functions that hike leaders use to the front end of the website too.   Doug has already configured the Dashboard to only show the core needs of hike leaders – Add an Event, Add an Image, See a list of all events, See a list of members, edit events, etc.  Doug will make further changes to make the interface for hike leaders simpler and more accessible in the next couple of weeks.
Frith will be adjusting code to make sure specific functions related to member registration and user profiles too.   A lot of this requires testing so everyone’s patience is required.
This is a work in progress.  The changes are now in place, but your feedback is needed to fix anything you might discover about the functionality of the site.
- Kamloops Hiking Club - September 5, 2021
- March 2021 KHChronicles - March 20, 2021
- February 2021 KHChronicles - February 20, 2021
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