Some Website Tips
Some short website tips are provided by our webmaster from time to time:
- Username – this is your login name and is case sensitive (ie PeterS works and not peters); no spaces are allowed
- Username – cannot be changed, but you can change how your name is displayed on the website by editing your Profile
- Password – either memorize or keep a copy somewhere; you can also have your browser remember your password for you
- Weak Password – every day we get thousands of attempts by bots trying to hack into website accounts; a strong password protects the website and our events system so you may be asked to provide a better, more secure password
- Forgot Password – there is a Lost Your Password link at the bottom of the login screen so you can add a new password
- Change Password – login, then on the top right corner in the black bar, you can edit your profile to edit and save a new password.
- Add profile image – you can have an image associated with your name by editing your profile.
- Locked out – If you misenter your login and password enough times, the website will think you are a robot attempting to hack the site so it will lock you out; come back after 15 minutes and try again, but be careful in typing in your credentials
- Too Many Failed Attempts – if you get into a cycle of failed logins, you will eventually be locked out and sent to an information page.  If your browser settings are saving your history, etc. you may be redirected back to that page again.  To fix this, try a different browser or clean your browser’s cache (which is a good maintenance practice anyway).
All of the above is standard for any website that has user accounts – BC Ferries, BC Parks, your bank, Apple account, etc.  We are not doing anything new or different, but we do try to follow best practices so that the site doesn’t crash for our members.  As a website user, we ask you to follow the basic procedures too so that everyone can enjoy easy access to booking into events offered by KHC.
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