Some Tips for Hike Leaders
From time to time the webmaster will provide some tips for hike leaders.  Some of you are already using these steps, but for efficiency, this is sent to all hike leaders.
Event Featured Image
- to add a featured image, login and then click edit your event (in the top black or at the bottom of the event listing. Â If the information is not there, click the little triangle.
- click Set Featured Image
- There are two tabs on the upper right.
- If you click the Media Library, you can see all the images that you have access to.  It should include anything you have previously loaded and a few more.  You can use the Search bar (upper right) to use key words to search for a previous image,
- You can just pick an image and then click Select Featured Image and then Save your event
- You can also pick Upload an Image.  This is exactly the same function as Facebook and other online sites.  You have to find your photos on your computer, phone, etc and select it to upload to the Media Library to insert to the event.
- The website automatically resizes the image for you.
- You can edit your image buy simply clicking on it while in Edit mode, Save your event to complete the process.
Getting More Images
- There are a lot of images in the media library but you may not be able to see all of them,  You can login then hover your cursor over Kamloops Hiking Club in the black bar at the top.  That will display a short menu and you can click Dashboard. Go down to Media and Select Library.  That is all the images in the library that you have access to.  They are organized into months.  You can search the library using the Search Bar on the upper right.
- Another Way to acquire images is to go to the Location pages on the website. Hover your Cursor over Event Info on the menu bar then go down to Trails. You will come to an alphabetical list of all trails/locations.  You can also use the search bar to find a location page.  Click one of them to see the information provided.
- For many of these locations I have created a gallery of images.  For example for the Adams River Trail there are 9 images.  To use one of the images, just point your cursor to the image and right click your mouse.  In the right click menu, pick Save Image As.  You will be able to download the image to your computer.  You can rename it and save it in any directory you want, but it may be useful to create a KHC directory on your computer, but its your choice to put it anywhere you want.  You can now Upload it to your event.
- Most Trails/Locations now have a gallery of images.  I did that last winter and will update them over this winter.  That was a lot of work, but the intent was to provide images for hike leader to use and for members to see.
- You can also look for and download images from the internet suing the same right click method.  In general we try to credit the photographer or source whenever possible but its up to you.
Displaying Galleries
- You can display a gallery of images for your event.  There are several ways to do this, but the simplest is as follows.
- Login and Edit your event.
- Pick/click the spot to insert a gallery with your mouse.  In the many icons (all tools) above the editing area look for the icon labelled Insert Gallery with a green leaf.  You will see the galleries available to you.  Just pick one and insert it to your event.  It will appear as shortcode that will look like this – envira-gallery id=”17806″ but enclosed in square brackets.
- You won’t see the images in draft mode, but after your save your event, you can click the Preview button on the right to see what it looks like.
- You could also create your own gallery to add to your event.  This is a bit of work and takes more steps but you are welcome to try it. (Click New, then Gallery).
Changing the Event Date
- Sometimes we have to change the event date.  This is fairly easy to do, but don’t forget to also adjust the registration/cancellation date and time.
- If you don’t set a time, the software will default to midnight (12:01) in the night before your event.
- To set or reset a time, you have to login, create your event, then enable bookings.
- In the Bookings/registration widget, there are a few fields, most of which you can leave to default values.  You set the number of registrants there (size of the group) and you can set the registration cancellation date and time in the Availability Until section.
- If you reschedule your event, also adjust the Available Until Date and Time.
- Above the editing area in your event listing are many toolbar icons.  These are like the tools used for Microsoft Word or Excel.  They all allow you to do something specific in the event listing.  To see what they do, hover your cursor over the button.
- For example to bold text, select the text with your mouse, then click the B button.  The same for Italics, underline, colored text, background color, font size, font, characters, and so on.
- You can create bulleted lists, numbered lists, add links, insert tables, and more.  They just take practice.
- If you need help, just email me.
That’s all for now.  Thanks for organizing and leading events.
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