Notes for Hike Leaders and Co-Leaders
An explanation of the display of events follows:
- There are 3 widgets in the left column of the website, providing quick access to upcoming events.
- The first widget is for events enabled for registration.  Some will fill up quickly, but a status line is provided to show that.
- The second widget is for tentative events (draft) and will show up in that widget only if Draft is chosen as the Event category.  No other category should be chosen since that would put the event in more than one column.  If an event then goes from Draft to Enabled, remove (uncheck) the Draft event category and pick another category like Hike, Snowshoe, Backpack, etc.
- The third widget is for backpacks and camps only.  Pick either or both of these event categories.   Do not choose draft since it will appear twice.   If a backpack or camp is tentative, use Draft.   If the camp is planned but Requires Leader Registration, do not use Draft.
- I usually help with this when needed.
- All events also appear on the Upcoming Events page too.
It is done this way to make it easier for members to select events without going through the whole list, so hike leaders can help by choosing the correct categories.   To select categories edit your event then select them on the right side in a widget.
Latest posts by Doug Smith (see all)
- Kamloops Hiking Club - September 5, 2021
- March 2021 KHChronicles - March 20, 2021
- February 2021 KHChronicles - February 20, 2021
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