- Member Grant
Kamloops Outdoor Club
Amount received: $650
The project: Acquisition of Trail Maintenance Equipment
The details: The Kamloops Outdoor Club (KOC) has a partnership agreement with Recreation Sites and Trails BC to assist in trail maintenance of the backcountry ski trails on Mt. Morrisey near Sun Peaks resort. The maintenance had previously been carried out using club member owned chain saws and manual equipment such as loppers and hand saws. This involved a total of approximately 130 person-hours per year by 26 volunteer club members!
The FMCBC awarded the KOC a grant to be put towards a gas-powered brush cutter/clearing saw, which the club will make available to other local organizations for similar maintenance work, including the Kamloops Hiking Club and the Kamloops Thompson Trails Alliance.
2. AGM Minutes
These are marked as Draft, but have been approved as is.
3. Fees
KHC has been invoiced for the new rates, as noted in the minutes above. The additional cost will be about $300/year.
4. Risk Management
FMCBC will be conducting a Risk Management review and KHC will be advised of any insurance or risk issues.
- Kamloops Hiking Club - September 5, 2021
- March 2021 KHChronicles - March 20, 2021
- February 2021 KHChronicles - February 20, 2021
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