- Hike Leader - John and Carole Moslin
- Contact -
- Distance - 8 km
- Difficulty - Moderate
- Special Note -
We will hike the Upper Flume trail to the “End of Trail” extending the hike another 500 metres along the original trail further upstream (which has been enhanced the past week). Returning along the south side of the creek past cascading water to the junction (parking lot or Lower Flume trail). We will continue under the bridge along the Lower Flume trail to the beach where we will stop for a snack/lunch. Returning and taking a side trail to the “stairway to heaven” and possibly beyond before returning to our vehicles. If we have enough energy and time, we will drive to the Adams River trailhead and hike 1 km along the trail to an Indigenous winter home that has a host that can answer any questions we may have.
Dress for the conditions, bring your lunch, camera (the creek is quite stunning), hiking poles are an advantage, the last time we were there bugs were not an issue but you never know!
The group from Kamloops will leave from Valleyview arena at 9:30 meeting us at the trailhead at about 10:20 Sunday morning, people can arrange their own carpooling and caravaning to the trailhead.