- Hike Leader - Dianne Smith and Lori Rilkoff
- Contact -
- Distance - TBD
- Difficulty - Moderate
- Special Note -

Kamloops Hiking Club is a volunteer-run outdoor club which organizes hiking, snowshoeing, backpacking, and other outdoor events for its members over 12 months of the year. Outings are chosen by volunteer Hike Leaders and are posted onto the website as events. Members register for upcoming events online, meeting at the designated time and meet-up spot to venture out on the trails. Hikes vary from easy to difficult, as chosen by individual hike leaders. KHC leaders know hundreds of trails and … Continue reading →
Just a quick update for all our members We have been experiencing some recent issues with the Kamloops hiking club website, the website team and board are very aware of the frustration that everyone is experiencing. We are also having some issues with posting, signing up and cancelling for individual events. A good website helps enable leaders and hikers to coordinate events. A smooth-running website provides everyone with a great easy to use experience and that is our goal. We … Continue reading →
Greetings all and welcome to a new club year! Board Updates Board Meeting was held on February 19, 2024. The minutes are posted on the website under Club Info/Meeting Minutes page. 2024/2025 Membership Registration is currently underway. Membership Renewals started February 1st and new membership started on March 1st. Membership will cap at 200 members or April 30th (whichever comes first). If your friends have shown an interest in the activities you have been doing, please let them know this information. … Continue reading →