- Hike Leader - Sheila Powell
- Contact -
- Distance - varies
- Difficulty - Moderate
- Special Note -
A three night backpack into this beautiful sub alpine lake campground. It is a short 5.5 Km hike, generally uphill at a gentle grade, from the parking area and we will base camp here and do day hikes in the area. The campsites are scattered around the lakeside and are a first come first served basis. Group size limited to 8.
This trip is planned midweek as it should be easier to obtain enough campsites for us all. This time of year could be cool at night but there should be none of those famous Wells Gray bugs bothering us. This trip is weather dependant and if the area gets snow or heavy rain we will not be going in.
Day 1: We will car pool from Kamloops then drive to parking area at Trophy Meadows. Hike into the campsite and set up camp. Afternoon wander.
Day 2: Trophy mountain summit. From the campsite this is a 14 Km return trip with an elevation gain of nearly 500 m. As it is off trail expect to be hiking all day. The ridge itself has a short section of exposure with some scrambling over loose rocks and boulders. We will only attempt this hike if the weather is good. From the West Summit the final summit is 2 km and 50 m higher along the ridge. There are spectacular views of Dunn Peak, Raft Mountain, Mount Mahood, Kilpill mtn and many others.
Day 3: Trophy Mountain skyline. This is an exhilarating hike up to the West Summit then west to Long Hill via the Plateau of Lakes. We will allow 4-5 hours of hiking time for the 10 Km, 417 m, circuit.
Day 4: A morning wander around the meadows or down to Lake of the Rock, then pack up and hike out after lunch. Drive home.
If weather looks ominous we will leave after our hike on Day 3.
Email the leader for registration.