- Hike Leader - Carole Moslin/ John Moslin
- Contact -
- Distance - 8 km
- Difficulty - Moderate
- Special Note -
This is a new hike for us to lead so be prepared for some exploratory moments. The plan is to hike the Rivers Trail West but with some side trails past Dale’s Antique Beach. We will follow Doug Smith recent article and direction on this hike.
- It is an expectation that all participants will stay fairly close together as this is our first time leading it.
- article on this hike – Thompson River Ramble
- this will be an easy hike along the river trail and beach.
- registrants will meet at the trailhead for a 10:00 start (arrive early)
- the trailhead/parking area is at the end of Aviation Way (link to the website location file – Rivers Trail West)
- Bring something to sit for when we stop for lunch as we will be sitting on the beach.
- remember that the leader is a volunteer and we want to make sure he/she also has a good outing too (no surprises)
- we will hike steadily to the lunch spot (about 4 km) then we will stop for a lunch break
- you may want to bring an extra jacket if it is windy or cool
- after lunch we will finish the loop and return to the vehicle.
- Our thanks to Doug Smith for the directions, maps and pictures featured on this event.
- you must register for the event (that is part of our insurance/risk management process)
- if you can’t make the event, cancel by clicking Your Bookings on the menu bar
- no shows are a no-go; you are a member of a club and we all have a responsibility to be reliable and personally responsible, which includes cancelling properly, meeting expectations (as listed on the website), being respectful, etc.
- the end time is an estimate; many factors make the end time hard to predict (don’t register if you don’t have time flexibility)
- check the event listing in the last two days for any updates
- if it rains that morning, the event may be cancelled (check the listing)
- please review KHC’s Guidelines and Expectations
- all of the information you need is on the website – use the links provided in the event listing and/or go to the menu bar on the website to see the many pages of Club information that we have developed over a number of years
- probable route