- Hike Leader - T(Ed) and Lois Hunter
- Contact -
- Distance - 12 kms.
- Difficulty - Moderate
- Special Note -
Come and join KHC leaders Ed and Lois for what may be one of the last snowshoes of the season up at mile-high Sovereign Lake near Vernon and adjacent to Silver Star resort.
- This is a moderate to harder outing covering a distance of approximately 10-12 km. and may require us to break trail periodically depending on the route chosen and snow conditions. Considering the distance, terrain, and possible deep snow, this snowshoe is not recommended for novices.
- We will stop briefly along the trail for a snack and then continue onto the Black Prince Cabin where we will take a short half-hour break to enjoy our lunch.
- Trail fees are $8 for adults and seniors.
- Suggested rate for carpooling is $15+ (discuss with your driver)
- Dress for conditions (layers, poles, and gaiters are recommended) and please check this posting right up until the morning of the event in case any changes must be made as a result of inclement weather and/or road conditions.
- approx. 1 hr. 45 min. drive from Kamloops to the Sovereign Lake Parking area in good weather and road conditions.
- a good working head-lamp is a must
- drivers should have dependable winter-worthy vehicles with good snow/winter tires.
- if you’re carpooling you might consider having a back-up plan in case your designated driver opts to cancel for one reason or another.