- Hike Leader - John & Carole
- Contact -
- Distance - 7.5-9 km
- Difficulty - Moderate
- Special Note -

L. Hunter – Sovereign Lakes

L. Hunter – Sovereign Lakes
Join Carole and John as we explore the Sovereign Lake snowshoe trails. It has been several years since we have snowshoed these trails. It is a distance and travel both from Kamloops as well as Chase so we don’t do this snowshoe every year. Sovereign trail fees are $11.55 plus 5% GST, available at the trailhead or online trough their website. After getting our trail passes we will follow a set of trails that will lead to the “Black Prince Cabin” where we will stop for lunch. After lunch we will decide on our return route back to the parking lot. We will snowshoe at a moderate-slower pace allowing plenty of time to take photos and enjoy the vista’s along the trail. Dress for the conditions, bring your hiking essentials, lunch, camera, etc.