- Hike Leader - Lisa Boutry
- Contact -
- Distance - 4-5 km
- Difficulty - Moderate
- Special Note - Night Hike - bring headlamps!. Poles recommended for night balance support
This hike is subject to smoke and weather conditions – check back here for updates the evening before the hike.
TIMING NOTE: Hike may go as late as 9pm depending on how many stops we make to look at fluorescence.
NATURE @ NITE – Bio Fluorescence: A 4 to 5-ish km night hike on Kenna Trails, hunting biologicals and minerals that fluoresce under a special 365 nm wavelength filtered ultraviolet light (specific for fluorescing plant-life).
Old dead logs covered with lichen and assorted fungi can fluoresce (light up in a different color) under UV light, as well as certain plants, tree sap/pitch and maybe even some rocks. The main photo above shows lichen “pixie cups” (Genus: Cladonia) under UV – this is a fun way to go exploring nature at night!
Meetup at the Main Kenna Gazebo Parking Lot at 7PM. Park closes at 11pm but might want to park in lower lot just in case. Poles recommended, headlamps a must. Bring a lil thermos of something hot for an apres-hike social in the Kenna gazebo, weather conditions permitting.