- Hike Leader - Paulette Gendron
- Contact -
- Distance -
- Difficulty - Moderate
- Special Note -
If you are a KHC Hike Leader or KHC Volunteer, join us for a Hike/Snowshoe & Fire Roast Event.
In appreciation of all the hard work volunteered by leaders and club volunteers, a Hike/Snowshoe & Fire Roast Event has been planned.
The event will be on January 29, 2022, at Lodgepole Lake, where KHC hike leaders and volunteers will gather and reconnect after a long duration of PHO-mandated separation.
We will meet at 10 am for those who wish to snowshoe before the Fire Roast Event which will begin at noon. This will enable the opportunity to trade hike information and ideas, as well as organize co-leading events to open up more spaces on hikes.
KHC also wants to recognize so many “behind the scenes” volunteer hours that are given with no compensation. KHC’s heartbeat is its volunteers!
Any spouses of leaders and volunteers who are club members are also welcome to attend.
The anticipated attendance is approximately 50 people.
Food will be provided, however, we ask that attendees bring their own beverages, chairs, etc.
Parking is limited, therefore, if you have ‘bubbles’ of people you are comfortable carpooling with, please do so.
Booked Spaces - 16/50- Membership Registration for 2023/2024 - January 16, 2023
- Some Adventures Outside the Hiking Club - January 7, 2023
- Happy Holidays - December 22, 2022