- Hike Leader - Lisa Boutry, CoLeader Maureen Thorkelson, Pam & Tim Paradis
- Contact -
- Distance - approx 5-6km total
- Difficulty - Moderate
- Special Note -
UPDATE: Due to mud, ice, and snow at Kenna – we are moving the race course over to Barnhartvale Nature Park. Racers, please report to the parking lot off Eliza Rd, at 8:45am on Saturday, April 1, for sign in, team spirit & costume scoring, and then we’ll start the Race at 9:15am. Please email if you have any questions.
Please read the entire posting before attempting to register….(Registration opens Tuesday, Feb 28, at 7:00AM.)
Pics from last year’s race!
Welcome to the 2nd Annual KHC Eggsmazing Race:
– a one-day event of scenic hiking, wacky challenge-races, and a yummy egg-hunt at various locations within Kenna Cartwright Park. Join in as one of 7 KHC Eggsmazing Race Teams of 2 people each, as you dash to find detours, throw yourselves into nutty road block challenges, get surprised with pop-up bonus rounds, and hunt for your team’s elusive hidden Eggsmazing Eggs (filled with incredible Purdy’s / Lindt Chocolates and some other very cool items!) A big round of thank-you’s to Maureen Thorkelson, Pam Paradis, and Tim Paradis for volunteering their time, creativity, and energy to co-create and co-lead this hilarious event!
On Race Day, arrive by 8:45 a.m. to pay registration fees, pick up your team race badges and get your Team Photo taken, (Coordinated team costumes are highly encouraged!! – See Last Year’s Photos in this posting…) etc. Fun team names are encouraged! All racers must have the usual packs, water, and 10 essentials to qualify to race. This is still a club hike.
Race organizers won’t be able to take on matching up individual people, as we will be too busy prepping and organizing this race! If you wish to find a partner, you could try posting a message on the club’s Facebook members-only page, but please have your team arranged before emailing to register. A nice opportunity to meet other members! Guests not permitted, and this is a more adult-oriented activity, not really suited for children.
There are many new challenges making up this year’s race, beginning at the Barnhartvale Nature Park Parking Lot (Eliza Rd) Meet-Up Spot. All challenges must be completed before getting a race envelope telling which challenge to hike to next! The first Eggsmazing Race envelopes will be released to Racers at 9:15 a.m. sharp at the meet up spot – so don’t be late!! Please arrive by 8:45am to complete sign in and receive your Race ID.
Course length is approx 5 to 6km, with lots of stops for challenges. Some of last year’s challenges included: a 10 Essentials Pack Challenge, Who Carried The Most Water, a Three-Legged Race, Face-Mask Stuffing, and a Tiny Pinecone Hunt. They are not all physical-type challenges. This year we will repeat one or two of the most popular challenges but the rest are all-new crazy ones!
Timing for this event is very “estimated” – targeted race time is 9:15am to 1:15pm, followed by the Apres-Race social. We are shooting for 4 hours MAX for the race, and then whatever time you want to spend at the social. Understand that most of the 4 hour race time will be spent doing the fun and hilarious challenges – it’s not all hiking. After the Race is over (the official KHC Event), there will be an awards ceremony and social at a local pub (NOT considered part of the official KHC Event).
Each TEAM must bring:
- water (you’ll work up a good thirst!)
- hiking poles (you will need these in a challenge)
- huge sense of humour (for entire race)
- wearing bunny ears will earn you points, and team costumes can earn big points!
Race teams will consist of 2 people, and each team will be timed as they complete challenges. Points will be awarded for placement within each challenge. There will also be “Pop-Up Challenges” for points and/or prizes which will spring up suddenly along the trail. Travel (hiking) to the different challenge locations (all within Kenna Park) will not be timed – the hiking won’t be a race. We will hike at a normal pace. Hike portions will range from easy to “intermediate-ish”, and challenges are more hilarious than physically hard! Expect a total hiking distance of approx 5-6 km.
The Pit Stop will end up back at the starting point, where we will have Team Photos on the KHC EGGZMAZING RACE FINISH MAT. The team who gathers the most points from the pop-up bonus rounds, and completes their challenges in the shortest time, will see their name placed on the highly coveted 2023 KHC GOLDEN EGG TROPHY and win bragging rights for the next 12 months. (Seriously….we really have a trophy and it really has a golden egg on it.)
Last year’s winning team, “The Hippie Chicks” (Katherine Roberts & Jennifer Barbe) are returning to defend their title this year, as are several more of last year’s competitive Eggsmazing Racers! Now if we could just get Sam Chow to enter….!! 😆
Registration is thru the hike leader. Contact information below.
Lisa Boutry
Maureen Thorkelson
Pam Paradis
Tim Paradis
REGISTRATION OPENS Tues, Feb 28, at 7:00AM. The Hike Leader will be emailing with those who register to confirm teams, fees, etc. See requirements below BEFORE you sign up, please.
To register, you must first have a team of 2 people assembled and both people must email me to confirm their participation before you will be considered registered. In your email, please confirm you understand this is an event requiring payment of a 15$ fee per person (details below), tell me what Team Name you wish to have on your RACE ID Badges and who you are intending to team up with. After I receive that information, I will wait for your team-mate to email me. Teams are not considered successfully registered until both racers have connected with me. Spaces are very limited, so please organize your team first asap. 🙂
Registration Fee: 15$ per person – 100% of all registration fees go towards the purchase of Race Materials, Prizes, Trophies, and High Quality Easter Chocolate for participants (Purdys and Lindt etc). Registration Fees will be collected on Race Day by the 9:15 start time. Cash is easiest. Race Organizers and Judges are all volunteers and are paid only by your laughter and smiles!
(Check Back to see more Team Names as they register!!)
Team 1 Name: “The Hippie Chicks” – (Jennifer Barbe & Katherine Roberts)
Team 2 Name: “Mother Cluckers” – (Denise Magrath & Michelle Thomson)
Team 3 Name: “The Egg-Heads” – (Erika & Kevin Herndier)
Team 4 Name: “The Pirates of Pinantan” – (Ron and Lorraine Lines)
Team 5 Name: “The Sun Shines” – (Monika Taki and Janice Shaw)
BOOKING SPACES: 10 ( 5 teams of 2 people each ) + 4 Race Hosts = 14 spaces