- Hike Leader - Maureen Thorkelson
- Contact -
- Distance - 9km
- Difficulty - Moderate
- Special Note -
Hi. This is the rescheduled hike from Oct 29th that was cancelled because of the rain.
We will hike the sunny side of Kenna for just under 9km, hopefully with lots of sunshine, with a stop for a snack or late lunch by the sunset platform. Our hike should take about taking 3 – 3 1/2 hours to complete, including the break.
Meet-up is at 1 pm at the Main entrance gazebo that is up hillside drive past Dufferin Elementary.
This is a dog friendly on-leash hike, max of 3 dogs. Pls comment if you plan to bring your dog. I will have Kacie.
Please bring your 10 essentials. Recommended to dress in layers and bring something to sit on for our break.
Hope to see you there 🙂