- Hike Leader - Lisa Boutry, Maureen Thorkelson
- Contact -
- Distance - 6km
- Difficulty - Moderate
- Special Note - Costumes encouraged!
Update – October 30 – EVENT CANCELLED due to weather. Forecast is still showing 60% rain for Monday afternoon and evening. We’ll try again next year! Happy Halloween everyone!👻🎃
October 29 – Weather Forecast for Monday is showing 60% chance of rain, and windy. Cancellation likely, but will post final outcome here on Sunday Evening.
A Spooky Big Thanks to 😎 Maureen Thorkelson for volunteering to partner-lead this event a second year in a row! 👻
The 3rd Annual Halloween Night Hike at Kenna Cartwright Park! TROPHY FOR BEST COSTUME!!
CAUTION: This is a night hike and will involve hiking up Black Diamond Kenna “Ridge” Trail. You need to be sure of your fitness level, as well as your night/darkness balance ability, before you sign up for this hike.
This hike is weather dependent! Please check back here the night before the hike to see if there are any hike/weather updates!
Come out for a good lil Halloween Hoof up to the top of Kenna! Unfortunately, the City of Kamloops has banned fireworks this year due to exceptionally dry conditions and fire hazard. Booooooo! Boooooooo!!
But they just want to prevent fires, which is a very good thing….so since we cannot watch fireworks, WE CAN MAKE OUR OWN LIGHTS! Lots of fun and no fire hazard! If you wish to “BE THE FUN”, add some lights to your backpack, or pin some to a costume. You can use glowsticks, battery pack LED’s, fairy lights, headlamps, glow-paint! There are no limits to your imagination, if it is but given the opportunity to go unchecked! I will show up well-lit (pardon the pun….) as a Pirate this year, complete with skeletal (and equally well-lit) parrot and a bright blinking pirate hat! I might just add some more lights, as I have a TON of fairy lights kicking around here…..hmmmm, so many possibilities. If you need low cost lights, it’s a good idea to hit the dollar stores ASAP, as you know how fast they can sell out. Link glowsticks and pin them to clothes or even your hiking boots or poles, or pin fairy lights to a hat…..lots of potential. Here are some links for a couple of examples of light-up costume ideas/and how-to’s – you can google some more too:
THE ROUTE: We will don our headlamps and turn on our battery packs for our costumes and brightly hike up along the top of Ridge from the west, stop at the top for snack/treat/tea and take in the gorgeous night views of our lovely city, vote on who has the best costume, present THE WACKY, HIGHLY UNORTHODOX (yet still quite coveted) 2022 KHC HALLOWEEN HIKER AWARD trophy, applaud the winner, then head back down via the Tower Trail.
Bring a hot thermos of tea – and bundle up!! Poles are very helpful in the dark with balance.
Please be sure to park your vehicle in the lower lot (nearest the road) at the Kenna Gazebo – just in case they lock up the upper lot early.
Costumes or Costume Hats are strongly encouraged! (Please think ahead and make sure they are Hiking-Safe). Decorate your pack and jacket/mitts with glow sticks, halloween lights, what-have-you! Get into the spirit of Halloween, let your nutty side show, and come celebrate Halloween with your friends from KHC!