- Hike Leader - Gerry Hoye
- Contact -
- Distance - 4 to 6 KM
- Difficulty - Moderate
- Special Note -
Good morning, New Members!
I’m posting introductory hikes every day from Monday, March 9th through to Saturday, March 14th. As I don’t know your ability levels, all hikes will be slow and easy. On the trail we will discuss equipment, safety, and other hikes around Kamloops. Dress for the weather (think onion), or multiple layers. Bring a snack and at least a liter of fluid, poles and, your camera.
I ask last year’s members to hold off booking until the morning of the hike so that new members are given every opportunity to join.
KHC meet-up time is when we start hiking so always plan to be there at least 15 minutes before the posted time. All of these hikes will start at 11 AM and end around 2 PM.
Monday: Kenna Cartwright Park (KCP) main parking lot
Tuesday: KCP, Doc Findlay trailhead and parking lot
Wednesday: Valleyview Arena (VVA)
Thursday: Peterson Creek at Columbia & 6th entrance
Friday: Sink-holes and Spines, VVA, carpooling
Saturday: Mara Canyon, meeting Ord road Dog Park, carpooling