- Hike Leader - Sheila Powell
- Contact -
- Distance - 10-15 km
- Difficulty - Moderate
- Special Note -
We will meet at the Paul Lake road meet up spot at 0930 to car convoy, or particpants can choose to car pool. We will drive to the base of Harper Mtn mtn bike trails just beyond Paul Lake condos. There are a variety of trails which will take us up to the Harper Mountain lodge (lodge will be closed but we will aim to have lunch or a break on the deck there) , all of which are steady uphill with some steep sections. At this time of year I do not expect to see any downhill mountain bikes on the trail as there is no uphill transportation service to get them up there, but we should be aware that it is possible.
There are some good views over the Barnhartvale area, but mostly it will be a forested hike with some good elevation and a good workout. After lunch we will descend to our vehicles. It could be chilly sitting at lunch so bring some layers, and there may be some frost/mud/even a skiff of snow, so good boots and poles recommended.
We should be able to run this hike in almost any weather so be prepared for whatever mother nature gives us. By this time it may be an idea to have traction devices in your pack for the downhill hike. You are welcome to bring your furry friend but they should be leashed at all times in case mtn bikers are on the trail.