- Hike Leader - Paulette Gendron
- Contact -
- Distance -
- Difficulty - Moderate
- Special Note -
We will do a short snowshoe down to the chairlift and take it up to the top of the mountain. The snowshoe trails are well maintained and beautiful in amongst the trees. We will mostly be snowshoeing downhill and relatively flat with some small or short climbs up. We bypass the trudge uphill by taking the chairlift.
We will meet on Paul lake road just past the Halston gas station. We can carpool from there to Harper Mt.
Come prepared to enjoy and hot chocolate after in the lodge and warm up by the fire. Bring a snack or small lunch for a break during the snowshoe.
Snowshoeing Tickets *Including Tax
Trails & 1 upload on the Chairlift $12.00
Snowshoes & Poles Rental $15.00
Booked Spaces - 9/12- Membership Registration for 2023/2024 - January 16, 2023
- Some Adventures Outside the Hiking Club - January 7, 2023
- Happy Holidays - December 22, 2022