- Hike Leader - Ernie Carson
- Contact -
- Distance - 4-7km
- Difficulty - Moderate-Harder
- Special Note - Off trail exploring
There are a multitude of trails up in the Greenstone area. Many are mountain bike trails in the summer. These trails make for a good starting point of a snowshoe explore. Usually the snow is quite good and fluffy up in the area, but it doesn’t look like there is any new snow in the near future. Hopefully there is a good base and we will be able to explore where we want to.
We will spend limited time on any trails and generally be tramping and exploring any ridges, lookout spots, etc. There will be lots of trail breaking. This is NOT a beginners snowshoe.
Be sure to be prepared for the conditions. Poles and gaiters highly recommended.
Bring a hot beverage and lunch for when we do find a good viewpoint.
Meet up at the Upper Kenna Cartwright Park parking lot (on road to jail) at 9:30am for car-pooling, etc.