- Hike Leader - Sheila Powell
- Contact -
- Distance - 7 Km
- Difficulty - Moderate
- Special Note -
We will meet at Valleyview Arena to leave at 0730.  This hike is dependent on weather, and vehicle availability.  For the access to the trailhead we need to travel in high wheel base vehicles so if we do not have enough to seat the participants the hike will not happen.  If you choose to be a passenger be prepared to pay the driver $15 for the ride.
This is a great day outing starting at 5000 ft, crosses two beautiful alpine bowls, then ascends to the summit of Eagle Pass Mountain at 7500 ft. Â e trail is 3.5 Km of steady climbing. Â Once on the summit you will see the foundation of the old fire lookout. Â There could be some lingering snow so the route finding could be more challenging. Â Route at this time of year could also be soggy and muddy from snow melt; and probably the bugs will be out, so be prepared.
Dogs are welcome but you will need to drive your own vehicle as space will be limited.
** This event will not run if there is too much snow; or if the road is in bad condition from wash out etc. Â I will be checking the conditions closer to the date. Â Back up plan will be a local hike.