- Hike Leader - sheila powell
- Contact -
- Distance - Who knows
- Difficulty - Moderate
- Special Note - No route chosen; could be muddy or icy
We will only go where the mud isn’t!. Frith and I are gonna go on a wee hike somewhere over at Dewdrop/Tranquille area. Probably lower Tranquille Ridge or Battle Bluff area. By the time we meet we will have done, or spoken to some folks who have done some walks over in this area and we will know where there is less mud and ice.
Let’s meet at the Airport dog park at noon and head out from there.
We’ll be out for a couple of hours so bring your usual pack, a drink and snack, and bring icers along although I don’t know if we will use them. Poles of course always an asset. Tics are out so be suitably dressed to protect yourselves.
The terrain is off trail, a little hilly, and some loose dirt trails.