- Hike Leader - Sheila Powell
- Contact -
- Distance - 10-12
- Difficulty - Moderate-Harder
- Special Note - Some steep loose sections
This is a very scenic, hilly loop hike over the Batchelor Ridge which we have not been able to do since the pipeline has been under construction. We will have to cross the pipeline in a couple of places but as the construction is inactive and the pipeline is covered over we will be able to find crossing points.
We start at the cattle guard at Batchelor and head up the hills behind. We will have to work around the original route as the pipeline crossing is awkward. We start directly from the cattle guard and walk a couple of km along the dirt bike/4×4 road until we can get onto the usual route. The route goes up and down, mostly on trail, with one quite steep hill to access the ridge. Lunch will be at a high point along the ridge. Poles always an asset for slithering down loose dirt sections. I do not anticipate any snow or ice patches although maybe the odd slimy mud patches.
Then we follow a gully down to the lower trail system which works its way around above the houses at Batchelor Heights and back to our cars. I estimate the distance will be 10-12 km depending on which loop we end up taking.