- Hike Leader - Paulette Gendron
- Contact -
- Distance - 5-7kms
- Difficulty - Moderate
- Special Note -
This series focuses on building strength and endurance for our summer backpacks.
What to expect: laughter and fun / we hike at a moderately steady pace / we make two stops for strength training – work at your own level.
Bring boot spikes (this time of year can still be icy on parts of the trail), hiking poles, headlamp, hydration, elastic resistant bands and weights (optional). Bring extra clean shoes or plastic bags for your boots after our hike to keep vehicles clean when carpooling (bring a couple of toonies for carpooling).
The terrain includes elevation gain. Hikes last approximately 2 hrs and average 5-7 km. Moderate steady pace.
Arrive at the meeting place at least 10 minutes before the stated departure time to give yourself enough time to arrange to carpool (if necessary), receive information, and meet the other members of the group.
If a booking has to be cancelled, please do so as early as possible and no later than 1 hour before the meet-up time. Cancellations are done by going to the Your Bookings Page on the menu bar, not by commenting to an event.
Booked Spaces - 11/14- Membership Registration for 2023/2024 - January 16, 2023
- Some Adventures Outside the Hiking Club - January 7, 2023
- Happy Holidays - December 22, 2022