- Hike Leader - Board of Directors, Pam Paradis and Monika Taki
- Contact -
- Distance - 6 km hike
- Difficulty - Moderate
- Special Note -
- Maureen and Sharon will be meeting at the Paul Lake Road meetup if anyone wants a ride or to follow the group up.
- Drive up Paul Lake Road and turn right on Harper Mountain Road. You will come to the west end of Paul Lake where you will park in the parking lot across the street. Watch for signs along the route.
- Come join us on Saturday, April 15th for our very popular AGM event at the Paul Lake Group Campsite. This is not in the main campsite but at the far west end of Paul Lake across from the condos. Access is the same road you would take to go to Harper Mountain.
- This event is a good chance for new members to mingle and meet other hikers.
- Optional 6 km hike up to Gilbraltar Rock and back from 9:15 am to 11 am.
- Pam Paradis and Monika Taki will lead the group on the hike.
- Please bring ice cleats for the hike as we may encounter a few icy patches.
- Please remember all your hiking essentials if you plan to hike.
- AGM starts at 11:30 am. This is your chance to have a voice and vote for our Board Members.
- Hot dog roast and potluck begin at 12 pm. Hot dogs, buns, condiments and cold drinks will be supplied.
- You can bring your own meat to BBQ if hot dogs are not your choice.
- Please bring a potluck item that doesn’t need re-heating. Veggies, fruit, desserts, chips hummus, etc. are most welcome.
- Please bring a lawn chair.
- An overview of club events will be provided.
- Directors and hike leaders will be available to make any announcements and answer any questions.
- If you are interested in becoming a leader and/or board member, this is the place to be.
- Please email Katherine at aussiecan7@shaw.ca if you are interested in putting your name forward for a position on the board or becoming a leader.
- Door prizes to be drawn after the hot dog roast and potluck.
- We will also have a bonfire 🙂
- The club will provide the hot dogs, buns, condiments and cold drinks.
- Please bring a potluck dish that doesn’t require re-heating. Veggies, fruit, crackers, cheese, chips, hummus, desserts etc. are a few ideas.
- No alcoholic beverages allowed on site.
- Please consider volunteering for set up and/or clean up.
- Please bring your own plates, bowls, cups, cutlery, napkins etc. Thank you.
- Door prizes will be drawn after the AGM and social. Items include both new and donated items.
- Please donate gently used or new items if you are able. Items do not have to be hiking related. Contact Katherine at aussiecan7@shaw.ca.
AGM Business Meeting Agenda
- A welcome to our returning and new members
- Recognition of our hike leaders
- President’s report
- Financial report
- Director’s report (if any)
- Motions from our Board of Directors tba
- Additional motions (if any)
- Election of Directors – President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary and Directors at Large
- Questions and discussion
- Nominations for Board members are now open.
- Positions are noted below. Please contact Katherine at aussiecan7@shaw.ca with your nominaiton.
- Some board members have shown a willingness to return to the board for 2023. Some have decided to step down after many years of service. We thank them all!
- If we have 2 or more nominees for key positions, the vote will be decided at the AGM by present members in good standing.
- The responsibilities for board members will be determined by the 2023/2024 board.
- If you have any specific questions regarding a board position, please contact Katherine at aussiecan7@shaw.ca.
- President – nominee Katherine Roberts
- Vice President – tbd
- Secretary – nominee Gerry McDougall
- Treasurer – nominee Margo Mercier
- Director, Webmaster IT – nominee Doug Morris
- Director, Membership Liaison – tbd
- Director, Hike Leader’s Committee – tbd
- Director at Large – tbd
- Director at Large – tbd
- Director at Large – tbd
- Director at Large – tbd
- tbd
Booked Spaces - 40/150- August 25, 2023 – Newsletter - August 25, 2023
- April 2023 Newsletter - April 27, 2023
- March 2023 Newsletter - March 16, 2023