Happy Hiking! – In-Person Events A Go
Club In-Person Events A Go – Happy Hiking!
Effective Wednesday, May 26th, 2021 the club is reopening with an event capacity of up to 10 people, hike leader included, in addition to health and safety protocols such as social distancing and wearing masks when distancing is not possible. The club continues to follow the Provincial Health Organization guidelines and restrictions on outdoor gatherings and group sports. https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/covid-19/info/restrictions#pho-order
The board voted unanimously today for reopening the club based on Dr. Henry/PHO new guidelines/restrictions.
Thank you for your patience this past year! The moment has finally arrived when we can cautiously move forward. We will continue to follow the guidelines of the PHO and update any information as it comes available.
All KHC events for 2021 will conform to provincial social distancing guidelines.
Group sizes will range from 2-10 (inc. the hike leader(s), but more than one group could do the same event if the second group(s) depart at a different time.
Hike Leaders will determine the group size (2-10) for the event and the number of leaders required.
Hike Leaders are encouraged to pick hikes at non-prime times and at locations with few people at the trailhead and on the trails (hikers, walkers, dog walkers, mountain bikers). Â Busy single-track trails should be avoided.
No carpooling will be organized, although couples, families, and same-household groups can choose to carpool. Â Hike leaders can choose to meet at the trailhead or meet to convoy to the trailhead.
Registration system to be determined by the leader (online registration, Requires Leader Registration, dogs or not, etc.)
Hikers will maintain at least 2 m distance from each other.
At all stops, social distancing will be required.
No shared goods nor other forms of sharing are allowed.
No guests are permitted on KHC hikes.
Any member who is not well should not participate in KHC events for the safety of everyone.
Washing of hands, wearing masks, coughing or sneezing into the elbow, not touching the face, carrying sanitizer, etc. are all encouraged by KHC.
KHC members are expected to abide by KHC’s social distancing policy. Non-compliance with safety requirements will not be accepted.
Completely optional for all members to join in any KHC hike or not.
With small group sizes and fewer hike leaders active, it should be noted that the number of available spaces for members will be problematic, so patience is requested.
- Membership Registration for 2023/2024 - January 16, 2023
- Some Adventures Outside the Hiking Club - January 7, 2023
- Happy Holidays - December 22, 2022