Trail Talk – October 2020
An Interview with David Langevin
(KHC member since 2016)
As Interviewed by Lori Rilkoff
October 2020
David is probably one of KHC’s most famous members, known for his beautiful and awe-inspiring paintings of the
Canadian wilderness many of us have had the fortunate experience of sharing with him on a KHC hike. You will
often see David on the trails, camera slung on his shoulder and enjoying the companionship of fellow KHC
members as he scans the landscape for inspiration. You just might see that same landscape on a painting in the
LR: You are originally from eastern Canada. What motivated you to come to BC and Kamloops?
DL: Moving to BC in the early 90’s was a part of a transition time for me. My intent was to become a full-time
professional artist and I wanted to paint the western landscape. It was time to leave Montreal and start my new life
in BC! Kamloops is a perfect central location and a nice size city – I like the lifestyle for those reasons especially.
I have to say, I didn’t feel that way at first. Living in Quebec, the impression of BC I had from seeing photographs
was places like the Rockies, Whistler, and the coast. I didn’t even know there was an arid desert landscape area
like Kamloops. Frankly, I thought it was quite unattractive at first.
LR: Eastern Canada is flat compared to the western side of the country! What was it like for you when you first
started hiking the big mountain trails?
DL: Well, I started hiking, not because I was interested in hiking per se, but because I wanted to explore all the
various places that were to be the subjects of my new painting style. I often wandered of on my own and was not
prepared, or properly informed, about how to proceed safely. I was one of those ‘big city adventurers’ from
eastern Canada that we hear about from time to time that gets lost or injured wandering of into the wilderness
unprepared. Luckily for me, I survived those early escapades but there were a couple of incidents that scared me
enough to make me want to learn how to make my way in the mountains without needing to be rescued or
discovered a couple of years later under a glacier or at the bottom of a clif somewhere.
I needed to learn how to be a responsible trekker. I did some reading and consulting and started hiking with
experienced and knowledgeable hikers, like Doug Smith. We were already friends that played squash together and
I learned a lot about outdoor adventuring, backpacking, and wilderness camping over the next few years. But
eventually I started to run out of hiking partners.
LR: Doug is certainly a great resource to have! Do you recall any of the first hikes you did with KHC?
DL: I started playing tennis about 10 years ago, and of course Doug is an accomplished tennis player as well.
One day at the tennis club he was telling me about a hike he was planning to do with the KHC. That was just what
I was looking for. This was in 2016 and my first hike with the club was led by Sheila Powell. We went up to
Flatiron. I checked the calendar and I also noticed that Paulette was leading a backpacking trip at the Rockwall
that summer. That is one of the hikes that I still had on my ‘to do’ list but I had all but given up on backpacking. I
was finding it difficult to get other people to go with and I was not as keen to be doing them by myself. I emailed
Paulette right away and asked her if I could join the hike. She was nice enough to let a new member be part of the
crew. It was awesome, and productive for me. I have already gotten a few good paintings out of that trip.
LR: What would you say to a new KHC member who may be hesitant to come out for a first hike with KHC or
maybe the first hike they’ve ever done?
DL: What is so nice about being part of KHC is knowing that you are hiking with experienced, knowledgeable,
and responsible leaders and hikers. I am particularly happy because for the first time in many years I don’t have to
plan everything and make all the arrangements to have very rewarding adventures in this beautiful part of the
world. Thanks to the hike leaders and their efforts I have also discovered some beautiful areas that I would not
have considered going to on my own.
LR: How has your life changed since you began hiking with KHC?
DL: I have met so many wonderful people in KHC, and have done some spectacular hikes, and of course, I have
found lots of inspiration for my art. My favourite place in the world is in high alpine meadows. An enjoyable hike
isn’t just a great pass time for me, it’s literally a business trip. I have the best job. How cool is that?

David Langevin painting
- Trail Talk – March 2021 - March 10, 2021
- Trail Talk – Carole and John Moslin - February 10, 2021
- Trail Talk – January, 2021 - January 9, 2021