Mt. Paul and Mt. Peter
From discussions with the Kamloops Indian Band, please be advised that TIB is now potentially fining hikers for trespassing.   From those discussions, they provided this statement:
“The TkÌ“emlúps te Secwépemc Chief and Council have made the decision to prohibit non-band members from hiking on TkÌ“emlúps te Secwépemc Lands including Mt. Paul & Mt. Peter. This decision aims to protect their property rights, governance rights, and bylaws as well as comply with the Indian Act. Unauthorized access to their lands is considered trespassing, including both on the ground and aerial access. They urge the public to respect this decision and the No Trespassing signs posted throughout the reserve. The decision is made in the best interests of their community and land. They are committed to fully protecting their rights and property within the bounds of the law, which may involve pursuing charges against trespassers. The Chief and Council appreciate the understanding and cooperation of the community and welcome any questions or concerns in working together to preserve and protect the sacred lands.”
- Kamloops Hiking Club - September 5, 2021
- March 2021 KHChronicles - March 20, 2021
- February 2021 KHChronicles - February 20, 2021