Buse Hill
- Robbins Range, Barnhartvale (30 minutes east)
Road Access
- Highway 1 East > Barnhartvale Road > Robbins Range Road > stay left at the Campbell Range Road junction and continue for 5.25 km
- park on the left at the foot of the hill near a posted sign
- the lower end of the trail is actually on private property with permission from the owners, Buse Creek Ranch
- stay on the double track road for the hike through the lower slopes
- coordinates – N50 W120 35.978 W120 02.227
Meet-up Spot
- a good meet-up spot is Valleyview Arena
- an alternate meet-up is near Market Fresh Foods
- Meet-up locations information
Optimal Group Size
- this is an easy route to lead so it is really up to the hike leader
- there are cliffs all along the top so too large a group or too many dogs will not be as safe
- 3 seasons access
Seasonal Notes
- a good route in 3 seasons
- winter is possible but road conditions may prohibit access
- 3 km return with one good hill up to the top
- moderate
- 178 m (600 ft) in 1.3 km
- about 1.5 hours
Fitness Requirements
- suitable for all KHC members
- since the lower end is private property, dogs should be on leash
- the upper end is in the provincial park
Trail Info
- the trail climbs open grass slopes on a double track
- the track splits, but either route is fine and this also makes a good loop on top
- there is also a trail over to the pinnacle to the northwest
- the edge drops off 430m so hikers should show caution near the edge
- the actual summit of Buse Hill is to the east, but the views there aren’t as good and there would be a fence to climb so it is not advisable
General Notes
- Kamloops Trails – Buse Hill (2010)
- Kamloops Trails – Buse Hill (2017)
- BC Parks – Buse Lake Protected Area
- Trail Peak – Mt. Buse
- If you see someone from Buse Creek Ranch, be sure to thank them for the access route to the top of Buse Hill
- complied by D. Smith; send updates and corrections to dsmith@kamloopshikingclub.net