Outdoor Activities
KHC is insured to offer a wide range of activities, but each one must be registered with the insurer annually. The activities that are offered depend on leader expertise and interest, member interest, safety and risk management concerns, and the historical record of success in hosting these activities. The core activities that KHC would like to maintain are hiking-related outings, snowshoeing, and paddling. Any activity that has no event listings for a year is dropped from the category list (as per Board policy).
KHC leaders organize backpacking opportunities for members. A backpacking trip is more complex than a day hike – reservations, carpooling, itineraries, accommodations, camping, backpack requirements, day trips, schedules, contingencies, and so on. Organizers make a big commitment and need to get the details and the group organized. No backpacking trip fits all levels of fitness, interest, and experience, so the leader may try to narrow it down or find a way to break into groups (this is not easy and requires more leaders, which is not always
For some backpacking trips, the leader will ask for expressions of interest. If needed, this allows the member and the leader to privately discuss the trip especially backpacking experience, gear requirements, expectations (participation in the daily hiking or distance between point-to-point backpacking), fitness levels, responsibilities (reservations required, financial commitment, participation commitment) etc. There may also be further dialogue for the group to discuss the daily events, reservations required, financial obligations, gear and/or provisions sharing etc.
For other trips, the leader may just post it like a regular event.
In order for the event to be covered under KHC Insurance, it can not be a private event organized prior to posting and then posted as “Full” with no room for other members to join.
All backpacking trips require dialogue to work out the details and expectations for the enjoyment and safety of the event.
KHC also offers cycling/biking activity on an infrequent basis. Events come from hike leaders and may be recreational road biking or backroad mountain biking. At this time, KHC club does not offer technical single track riding, downhill riding, or any performance road biking. Since mountain biking has not been offered in over a year, it will be removed from the category list. Road biking is currently under review. All cycling events require helmets and the leader will specify any additional requirements. KHC is interested in having more bike leaders offering events.
KHC organizes seasonal group paddling outings that generally fall into two categories:
- recreational paddling for kayaks and canoes in flatwater conditions
- paddling on rivers, larger lakes, and the ocean for experienced paddlers who have seaworthy kayaks
For all outings, Transport Canada safety regulations apply:
- Mandatory Kayak and Canoe Safety Gear (link)
- Kayak Safety Guide (link)
In addition, the following expectations apply:
- some knowledge of self-rescue is expected
- all participants will stay in sight and earshot and will communicate with the leader if going out of sight
- participants must be able to handle their own boats, as required
- KHC does not supply boats for outings
- the start time is the time on water, not the arrival time
- participants are expected to bring all needed items for outings
- leaders have the right to refuse to take any member who is not adequately prepared or experienced for that outing
Each year KHC offers Camp n’ Hike opportunities for members. These usually have a base camp and several hikes from a central location. These are dependent on a leader stepping forward to organize the activities and logistics. This usually involves designating a basecamp, but participants are responsible for their own camping bookings and arrangements. Hikes/activities are organized by the leader. The whole thing is posted as a Camp n’ Hike event with details provided in the listing.
KHC is open to social events and other activities. Please contact a Director if you have ideas or would like to help out.

Canada 150 Hike (D. Smith)