- Hike Leader - John Moslin, Carole Moslin
- Contact -
- Distance - 7-9km
- Difficulty - Moderate
- Special Note -
Join Carole and John as we have an early season hike to the Trophy Meadows hoping to time the flower meadows in bloom.
We will take a side trip to visit Silvertip Falls.
We will depart the Mount Paul meet up area at 08:30. The group will travel together stopping at the Wells Gray Information Centre in Clearwater for a bathroom break.
The trail is said to be wet, we may encounter snow along the route, dress for the conditions, gaiters may be helpful, we will have lunch in the meadows.
Bring your camera, lunch, bug spray, bear spray and essentials, last year we seen a grizzly in the meadows.
We will follow the club’s SOCIAL DISTANCING POLICY some of which are:
- Hikers will maintain at least 2 m distance from each other.
- At all stops, social distancing will be required.
- No shared goods nor other forms of sharing are allowed.
- Any member who is not well should not participate in KHC events for the safety of everyone.
- Washing of hands, wearing gloves and masks, coughing or sneezing into the elbow, not touching the face, carry sanitizer, etc. are all encouraged by KHC.
- KHC members are expected to abide by KHC’s social distancing policy. Non-compliance with safety requirements will not be accepted.