- Hike Leader - Lisa Boutry
- Contact -
- Distance - 5.0 km
- Difficulty - Moderate
- Special Note -
Please note: this hike is weather dependent, and its date may change. Check back a day or two before the hike to confirm a “go-ahead”. If it’s date does need to be changed, and you are unable to make the new date, please cancel your booking via the “Your Bookings” tab).
The Hiking & Photography Series:
A series of hikes in which the focus (ha!) is to hike, share info, and take lots of great photos! These hikes are not meant to be photography classes, and there will be no “instructors”. Photography information / idea exchanges between experienced and new photographers are what we are aiming for. Any and all hikers who enjoy photography are encouraged to participate, no matter your level of experience, or type of gear. The idea is that new and veteran photographers get together and share what they see and know. You do not need professional photography gear to join in – I am a beginner and use only cell phone cameras, and they can do a decent job! The trick is to experiment and explore with what you have and what is out there in front of you, with other hiking photographers.
In the first of this Series, we will explore Sunset photography….capturing the color and the glory! Basically an “out and back” to the Sunset Trail at Kenna Cartwright Park, with “the back” being a night hike. The weather will be a huge factor here – ideally we will get a few patchy, wispy clouds to make the most of the sunset, and some of the most dramatic sunsets can be at the end of a rainy day, if the clouds begin to break up. Remember – check back on hike status a day or so before!
- Meet at the Kenna Cartwright Hillside Dr Parking Lot at 7:15pm, and we will hit the trail by 7:30pm. If you click the link located below the Hike Title above, you will see the map of the location. We will hike up the Prickly Pear Cactus Trail (.7km) to the Ponderosa Trail (approx 1.2 km) which takes us to the Sunset Trail (.6km). We will hike up at a leisurely pace, arriving around 8:15 pm, possibly shooting images along the way if so inspired. Here is a link to a City of Kamloops Kenna Cartwright Park Trail Map: https://www.kamloops.ca/sites/default/files/docs/parks-recreation/kenna_cartwright_nature_park_-_brochure.pdf
- The hike distance is approx 2.5 km each way, for a total of 5 km. I anticipate being at the lookout from approximately 8:15 to 9/9:15ish, with the sunset scheduled to be at 8:37pm that day. If colors are nuts-wonderful, we may stay a bit later than 9. Due to the unpredictable nature of sunsets, the hike timing is not going to be exact. Hikers should expect to “go with the flow” and be prepared with warm clothes for falling temps that may accompany sunset. There is a picnic table and lookout at the Sunset Viewing Point. You may want to bring a snack/ thermos of tea.
- After the sun has gone to bed for the night, (approx 9 to 9:15pm) we will don HEADLIGHTS or use FLASHLIGHTS (bear in mind flashlights could be very tricky to hold when using poles) and hike back to the parking lot. A good headlight or flashlight is a requirement to attend this night hike, for safety reasons. My expectation is that hikers will stay somewhat together. Please test your headlight/flashlight before you arrive, and seriously consider carrying spare batteries. Nothing more frustrating than trying to feel your footing in the dark – please make sure you have adequate light for your level of night vision. Ponderosa and Sunset Trails are rated “Easy”, and Prickly Pear Cactus Trail is rated at “Moderate”, but at night things can be a little trickier. Hikers may want to bring trekking poles if they feel they lose a little balance in the dark. (I’m bringing mine.) Anticipated arrival time back to the Kenna West Parking Lot and cars is approx 10:00 to 10:15pm – we will take our time coming back in the dark. It will be a hoot with all the lights – perhaps someone will pop ahead and grab a great night shot of the group returning down the trail. If this hike is well-received, I will be doing different photography hikes on a regular basis, and maybe a couple night hikes.