- Hike Leader - Sheila Powell
- Contact -
- Distance - 8-10 km
- Difficulty - Moderate
- Special Note -
We start our hike at the trailhead just before Battle Bluff trail, and wind over to the Bluebird trail.  We will follow the trail through to a turnaround before the Three Amigos climbs up to the ridge.  Should be about a 10 km loop, and fairly flat, and hopefully not too much mud or ice.  Bring icers anyway.
This is a lovely scenic area and this time of year we won’t have to worry about tics!! Always good.
We’ll meet at the Airport dog park at 1000 to car convoy out to our start point. If you car pool please bring a change of shoes in case you have muddy hiking boots.  Poles as ever always an asset to a hike.  We will be stopping at some point for a lunch break so you may want to bring a layer to keep warm while we stop.