- Hike Leader - Lisa Boutry
- Contact -
- Distance - 6km
- Difficulty - Moderate
- Special Note -
The 2nd Annual Halloween Night Hike at Kenna Cartwright Park!
CAUTION: This is a night hike and will involve hiking up Black Diamond Kenna “Ridge” Trail. You need to be sure of your fitness level, as well as your night/darkness balance ability, before you sign up for this hike. HEADLAMPS MANDATORY……POLES, COSTUMES HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!
This hike is weather dependent! Please check back here the night before the hike to see if there are any hike/weather updates!
A Spooky Big Thanks to Helen Gendron for volunteering to partner-lead this event a second year and to Maureen Thorkelson for co-leading with us this year!👻
Come out for a good lil Halloween Hoof up to the top of Kenna to see the stunning night-time city views and have a treat or two with your friends from the hiking club! Tricks may be required. We will don our headlamps and hike up along the top of Ridge, stop for snack/treat/tea, then head down the Tower Trail. Bring your backpacking chairs and hot thermos of tea – and bundle up!! Poles are very helpful in the dark with balance. Please be sure to park your vehicle in the lower lot (nearest the road) at the Kenna Gazebo – just in case they lock up the upper lot early.
Costumes or Costume Hats are strongly encouraged! (Please think ahead and make sure they are Hiking-Safe). You can even decorate your pack with halloween lights! Get into the spirit of Halloween and let your nutty side show!