- Hike Leader - Lisa Boutry
- Contact -
- Distance - approx 5km
- Difficulty - Moderate
- Special Note -
(I know that’s a skier in the photo above, but just imagine he has snowshoes on!! Look at that view!)
Santa Hats, Elf Hats, Reindeer Antler Hats: Christmas-themed hats heartily encouraged for this event. ( 😀 ) …..jingling bells……merry hikers!
We will meet up at the Paul Lake Rd Meetup Spot at 9:30 am, and caravan (carpooling is up to individuals) up to Harper Mtn Lodge, where we will buy a $19.05 Single-Use Lift Pass/Trail Pass Ticket. Harper Mtn has put together this package for “Shoers” that want to ride up and “shoe” down. Once at the top, we will snowshoe down the Powder Highway Trail to Sasquatch, then over to Chase On, reconnecting back to Powder Highway for the return down to base. Along the way, we will pick a view spot and stop for snack & hot tea/chocolate (byo). Rumours are rife that homemade butter tarts may appear at the snack stop viewpoint…..!
Difficulty: Powder Hwy is a Green (Easy) Trail. Sasquatch and Chase On are both Blue (Intermediate) trails. The Pace will be leisurely, and very social. Stops to take in views, etc.
Total distance approx 5 km. A big Christmassy Thank You to Helen Gendron for volunteering to Co-Lead!☺️👍🏻
Highways are closed to non-essential travel. Airfares are astronomical. Many club members may not get to be with their loved ones this year at Christmas – I hope they will consider joining this merry lil snowshoe with their friends at the Kamloops Hiking Club. To quote Red Green: “We’re all in this together!”