Okanagan Rail Trail Exploratory "Day-Cycle":  Oyama to Kekuli


Sun. Jun. 7th, 2020    
9:00 am - 7:30 pm

WHERE/Location (link)

Event Type(s)


  • Hike Leader - Lisa Boutry
  • Contact -
  • Distance - 22 km cycle - Okanagan Railway
  • Difficulty - Moderate
  • Special Note -



June 2, 2020 Update:  MYRA CANYON is indefinitely closed by the Province due to efforts to control the spread of Covid-19. 

: (

As a result, I am switching the ride to the Okanagan Rail Trail, from Oyama to Kekuli Provincial Park (out and back – 22km round trip).


Ian and Liz Cornish have stepped forward and offered to co-lead this event (Yay!) to open up more space for participants.  Big thanks to them both!

  • Disclaimer:  I am not an expert bicyclist, I do not ride singletrack, etc.  (I have done, but don’t any longer)  I have an old but faithful mountain bike – I know how to ride it and can actually change a tire (slowly….with an instruction cheat sheet…. which I keep with tools in a seat-pouch).  I am posting this outing due to it’s looking like awesome scenery!  I’ve never seen it and want to go – and thought I would post it on the Club Site in case others wanted to come along, so consider it to be “exploratory“(I have not been before).  It’s an out and back trip – the round trip distance is 22km.  Participants need to understand they are expected to be completely self-sufficient with their bikes – carry tools and spare tire/tube, etc, in addition to the Ten Essentials and a mandatory bike helmet.  I am not qualified to assist in repairs or trouble-shooting other than to encourage and cheer you on.  You need to be familiar with cycling, and hopefully cycle often.  The Okanagan Rail Trail has a gravel/compacted soil surface.


For more info, see:  https://okanaganrailtrail.ca/

We will meet at The Valleyview Arena Meet-Up Spot at 9:00am.  Anyone who wishes to caravan/follow me, may do so.  Our destination will be the Okanagan Rail Trail and Oyama Boat Launch parking lot in Oyama.


It is approx a 1 hour, 40 minute drive to Oyama.  Once there, we will unload the bikes, and saddle up!  I have not done this ride before, so I am estimating and allowing for plenty of time for photos, etc.  I will try to bring along some historical info to read at stops etc.  We will snack/refresh at Kekuli Provincial Park, hopefully on the beach, before returning to Oyama.

As with hikes, bring lots of water, lunch, sunscreen, bug spray, etc.


After completing our ride, those that wish to head home may do so.  I will be heading back to Kamloops through Vernon – so as to make a stop at the fabulous, not-to-be-missed Bean Scene Coffee House in Vernon for a cool drink and a snack.  They have the most heavenly outdoor courtyard (hopefully it is open to sit in – I know the business is open), great drinks/food, and the host is an exceptionally congenial fellow…!  It is a great “apres-hike/bike” spot!  All who would like to come along to “The Bean” are heartily welcome to join!  Their address and phone – 2923 30th Ave in Vernon, (250) 558-1817.   Following this, each to make their own way home, via BC-97S from Vernon.

Should be a fun day!  Likely return to Kamloops around 5:30-6:00 PM, or earlier if you do not go thru Vernon and stop at Bean Scene for the apres-bike.


Booked Spaces - 8/12

Lisa Boutry
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