- Hike Leader - Sheila Powell
- Contact -
- Distance - 8-10 km
- Difficulty - Moderate
- Special Note -
This hike is in an interesting area off forested hills just outside of the city and the route starts on old single and double track trails but we will go off trail to climb a few hills and have a break at a viewpoint along the way. There are no official trails over the hills so we will climb up for a view of Kamloops lake and the Dewdrop range on the opposite side of the lake.
By this time of year there will be no bugs around, but it could be cool and even a layer of frost on the trails. We will do a loop of 8-10 km. We will meet at the Hillside meet up spot at 1000 to car pool; any vehicle is fine for this hike. I will enable this event a week or so out once I know what the weather is looking like.